
**..Optimization Settings..**
by Robyn...and Others  :o)

These are the settings that I've learned from several people. They seem to work the best, but sometimes you have to experiment to get the best effect!
Check your settings each time you save something because the 'Op Monster' has a way of changing on it's own lol...
Go to 'File/Optimization Wizard' to open it. (You need to have a tube or something in there for the Op Wizard to show up on the list!)

Make sure these are set this way.

Click 'Customize'...

Check all three of these...

If it doesn't turn out just right, try 'unchecking' Write Minimal...

This seems to work the best for a transparent background!

Follow thru the rest just clicking next, and finish. If you're not happy with it you'll just have to try again. This works most of the time but some tutorials will ask for different settings.

If I can help in any way let me know, I'll be glad to help if I can!
Robyn :o)

Robyn's Tut'z