1. Open your picture, you can make it any size you want.
2.We'll put an Inner Bevel to make the 'unframe' visible around your picture. I used the settings below.
If your tools should happen to be grayed out, go to Layers/Promote to Layer.
3. Select All. Selections/Modify/Contract. Enter the number 15, click ok. If this doesn't make it wide enough just click Edit/Undo and go back and enter a higher number. A lower number will make it thinner.
4. Selections/Invert. Go to Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel with these settings. Click ok.
These settings will give you this, (without the marching ants). If this is where you want to stop, go to Selections/Select None. Save as a .jpg:
If you'd like more definition to the bevel you can add a Cutout using the following (or your own) settings. Keep the marching ants.
5. Selections/Invert. Go to Effects/3D Effects/Cutout, use these settings and click ok. Repeat the Cutout using a 'minus 1' on the Vertical and Horizontal.
Then you'll have this:
There's not much difference but you can see a sharper edge on the inside of the bevel. If you'd like it to show more, then raise the number on the Opacity. That'll make it darker. Raising the number on the Blur will make it spread out and smooth the color. You can use other colors, experiment with the Presets and settings. It's surprising what you can come up with :o)
Well, that's the simple little tutorial!
Who knows, you just might want to use it on some of those holiday pictures that you're bound to have plenty of!
If you need any help just email...my email form is on the home page.
Have fun, n Hugs!
Robyn :o)